The Bard and Me

The Bard and Me
My quest to read everything that William Shakespeare has ever written!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Hamlet - A Little Review

Hello Internet!

this is a little fleeting 'Hello' (I'm currently knee deep in script learning and all things Badapple Theatre...but its all grand! be sure to check it out - OK Shameless plug over) and well over due review of an AMAZING production of Hamlet i went to see last week...

i went to see...

Hamlet: at the Lowery Manchester on the 12th February 2011

Rory Kinnear in Hamlet at the National Theatre. Photograph: Tristram Kenton

So The Sween (for those new readers here today - firstly HELLO and secondly The Sween is my boyfriend) took me to see this production as a Valentines present....

i asked The Sween to give me a one line review this morning, and i quote - "that Rory lad was so good i didn't get board once watching it for three and half hours"...that's my boy! was an amazing large scale piece of theatre, which i must admit i don't get to see that often (mostly due to my passion for new writing and excitement and support for smaller scale theatre companies) and i had forgotten how amazing a cast of 27 can look on stage.

The Sound scape is utterly brilliant and consuming, it has such an impact without over powering the action. The two (sound and action) bubble together compounding every scene. The blast of dance music at the end of the first half left me saying ' forget the bloody interval, lets carry on!' ...

The piece is very much a Hamlet of our time, the opening of the play sees the new king giving a Televised speech, sat with his equally new queen at his side. The whole situation has a very grand excessive feel to it, like a family that are keeping up appearances . The presence of camera crews, and invasive press are present from the start to the finish, you get the feeling of claustrophobia and lack of privacy constantly....there is always someone watching, someone listening... waiting to stitch you up!

i particularly liked the scene in which Hamlet and Ophelia are talking/ arguing (Act 3: Scene 1) and in giving him a book the quick thinking almost super brained Hamlet begins talking into the book (Mad? you might think so!) and in an aggressive flurry opens it to reveal their conversation has been buged. He is betrayed by the people he trusts. This whole scene just adds fuel to the burning fire of the audiences alliance to Hamlet.

The Shadows of the stage were continually relevant, people in stillness, ghosts appearing, strangers seemingly approaching. The themes of shadows and self from the text were mirrored so beautifully within the subtlety of lighting... this production has been so carefully thought out...this review could be sort of never ending really....but alas its not don't worry!

Other bits i liked (basically rounding it i have to get ready, I'm of to see Storm in a Teacup by Horse and Bamboo Theatre Company with my dad )

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were brilliantly funny and made a grand double act as they continually tried to penetrate Hamlets bubble of madness...

i loved David Calder's large framed Polonius, laterally doubled over with laughter as he delivered cracking muddled wording with lyrical ease....

Ophelia's flower speech was kooky and excited as she wheeled in with a discarded shopping trolley, handing people presents instead of flowers...

Overall this was one of the most exciting pieces of theatre i have seen in such along time...and as for Rory Kinnear...well i just love him!
Here is the link for the production:

this link is full of grand info, cast, dates, 'Real' reviews and much more ....go and see it! its mint!

Peace Out


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