The Bard and Me

The Bard and Me
My quest to read everything that William Shakespeare has ever written!

Monday 10 January 2011

Learning, Learning, Learning of which i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!....I am a GEEK!

Hello Internet!
Well its been all Learning, Learning, Learning of which i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! a few days after finishing the Taming of the Shrew i got thinking more and more about Kate's final speech and more importantly that huge debate as to whether or not she was indeed Tamed?
So i got in touch with a friend of mine who played Kate a few years back and asked her what she thought of it all and she kindly replied with some very helpful points....and in the true nature of this blog, i share it now with you!
Note: This is Brigid....
We met in November of this year when we where both cast in The Rivals by Sheridan, Brigid played the fabulous Mrs Malaprop...

So here are Brigid's helpful words and opinions on The Shrew -
I think it's a love story, and that Kate and Petruccio are perfect for one another, they just don't know it yet. Kate's behaviour at the beginning of the play is totally unacceptable (she thinks it's justified and maybe to some extent she's been treated horribly by her dad, and her sister is a bitch) but no one should behave like she does, and so yes in some ways she needs to tone it down (be tamed a bit). However, Petruccio's behaviour is also unacceptable, he is bullying to everyone and demands a wife who is servant like (although really he is incredibly attracted to Kate's spirit and fire), so he tries to tame her. I think he goes too far - but I think he perhaps realises that, during Kate's last speech which is why I believe he stops her putting her hand below his foot and kisses her instead. I think in a modern world, in any relationship there is compromise, when two people begin to live together, to build a life together, they have to work out the rules, see where the boundary's are, and compromise perhaps on things they want. I think this is what Kate's last speech is about - and certainly the way I played it, not losing any strength, but saying actually the way I was didn't make me happy, I've learnt lessons and am nicer for it. I think some lines there is a little arch of the eyebrow to mock at herself and the audience too. When we did it - the audience were desperate for Kate and Petruccio to get together as they could see how perfect they were for one another - and when he would say come kiss me kate, and we'd kiss, the audience would offen cheer (result!). Anyway that's my two pennies worth - it may be right, it may be wrong - but that's what is so brilliant about this play - you can make up your own mind! love Brigidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
...I have also managed to obtain the means in which to access published essays so if anyone out there can recommend any of interest that would be lovely! 
My affair with The Bard seems to be heating up a little beyond my intention...i set out to read his works but it turns out i want to know more, explore him and ultimately understand his reasons for the way he wrote things.
....and did he really look like this?!
Peace Out

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