The Bard and Me

The Bard and Me
My quest to read everything that William Shakespeare has ever written!

Saturday 15 January 2011

Relevant distraction....Judi Dench

Hello one and all!

So today is my first Saturday off in some time and aside from a spot of children's entertaining at silly o'clock this morning (imagine me with painted on whiskers and a nose trying to convince the children of Formby - Mersyside that Vegetables are 'Proper Class!' and that i am indeed a real went surprisingly well!)....its been very chilled out indeed. my intention this afternoon was to crack on with Henry IV Part one but i got distracted by a (relevant) book that has been lent to me by my Great Aunt Hilda...

Aunt Hilda is an interesting old gal with a bad case of Warty Bliggins syndrome, a term coined by me for people who believe the world revolves solely around them. Derived from the character Warty Bligging written by Don Marquis in the 'Archy and Mehitable' stories...Defiantly worth a read -

so it is a good job that i have read this book, because i am quiet sure she will be asking about my opinions on it and generally quiz me on its content.

The Book : Judi Dench - Scenes from my life

This book is fantastic! its full of beautiful pictures which accompany the narration of Dench's life in and out of the theatre/tv/film. What makes this book relevant to the Bard is that Dench has performed in 29 productions of Shakespeare's work!

Here is Judi in her first production playing Ophelia in Hamlet with John Neville....

Its amazing how she describes her experience of working with Neville...'he was brilliant at teaching you basic things that i don't think young actors are taught anymore...the whole business of getting in on time, being prepared, and not taking up a directors time while you sort out the problem of what is actually your homework...John used to hate it if anyone said they where tired and he's quiet right.acting requires discipline,and if they are too tired well, frankly,i feel they should let someone else do it'

Here she is playing Cleopatra to Anthony Hopkins' Anthony in Anthony and Cleopatra directed by Peter Hall...
Peter Hall shared some pearls of wisdom with her when she played this part and in the book she kindly shares it with the reader, i  think its a really interesting thought and its defiantly got my brain bubbling ...
Peter Hall said ' Don't ever think you have got to play all aspects of the character in every scene. Just choose one thing, at the end of the evening it might add up to the full person...the other thing is...don't imagine that when other characters speak about you, they are telling the truth'
Its so inspiring to read about all the brilliant work Judi Dench has done and how even she has found the journey through her acting career a steep learning curve full of exciting but challenging jobs. I got to see her play Mistress Quickly in The Merry Wives of Windsor -The Musical at the RSC and she was hilarious! has anyone else in Internet land seen Judi Dench on the stage (tell me about it -please/thank you)?, basically its worth a read and has quiet successfully distracted me from reading Henry IV Part one...but its all relevant in some way round about!

ta ta for now, must dash.... i here Falstaff calling me from Ye Old Ale House in the depths of my Complete works...

Peace Out


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